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11-12-09 Fine Arts Commission Meeting
Meeting of November 12, 2009
51 Chapman Street, East Hartford, CT 06108

Chair Yamamoto called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. in Room 12 of the Cultural Center.  

PRESENT:  Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie;  Judy Okeson;  Betty Russell; Dan Russell; Maureen Rodgers; John Ryan; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.
ABSENT:    Regina Barall (excused); Eileen Driscoll (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused);
                     Florence Schroeter (excused).

II.   MINUTES           
MOTION  By Betty Russell
                Seconded by Judith Okeson
                To approve the minutes of October 8, 2009       
Clarification under New Business:  The Half Moon is a ship that will be docked in the Connecticut River near Goodwin College.

Clarification under Member’s Concerns:  Chair Yamamoto asked where the Clarke Museum is located.  

Clarification:  The group is the Greater Hartford Opera Ensemble.
Chair Yamamoto reported she received information from Lindsay Thompson who opened an art gallery on Main Street in East Hartford.

Chair Yamamoto had a concern in reference to Art League demonstrations.  She stated that the sub-committee must review the budget given to Art and decide how many demonstrations they will pay for so the budgeted amount does not go over the allotment.

Chair Yamamoto has the pass for the New Britain Museum of Modern Art available to all members.  

Information was received from the following:
  • Hartford Courant
  • Wadsworth Atheneum
  • New Britain Museum of Modern Art                                        
        East Hartford Public Schools Mini-Grants
        Betty Russel thanked the committee members who worked with her:  Eileen Driscoll and Judy Okeson.               
        Betty Russell reported that the mini-grants were awarded and monies were given to Emil Kopcha.  The following schools received a grant:
                - EHHS          Visiting Artist
                - CIBA          Visiting Artist
                - Silver Lane   Field Trip to an Opera performance
                -O’Connell      Hartford Symphony
                -EHMS           Bushnell Theatre

        Maureen Rodgers thanked the committee for the work they did and the difficult decisions they needed to make.

        Holiday Fest
        Betty Russell reported that Buffa will perform a holiday theme on Saturday, December 5 at 2:00 p.m.  Discussion was held on the piano in the EHCCC.     
        Maureen Rodgers contacted Jane Schneeloch to hold a poetry program on her published poems.  She will schedule a date.

        Betty Russell reported she went to the Wood Library to see the Spoon River Anthology.  She will be in contact to see available dates for a spring program.
        Glynis McKenzie reported The CitySingers will be performing at St. John’s Church on Saturday, December 12 in the evening.  Help is needed on December 11, 2009 for set-up and on December 12, 2009      after the program to take down.  The EHSYF will be hold a Soup Dinner prior to the program.             

        It was recommended that Glynis advertise in the East Hartford Gazette and get information to Channel 5.  She will be sending out press releases to various papers.                      

        Glynis will have 175 programs printed.

        Terrye Blackstone reported that she received information from a Classic, Hard Rock Band, “The Score” and would like to consider sponsoring the group for the Sounds of Summer Series.

MOTION          By Terrye Blackstone
                        Seconded by Betty Russell
                        To sponsor “The Score” for the Sounds of Summer Series for $500.

        John Ryan is planning to begin advertising for a March 2010 show. The exhibit is tentatively scheduled at Goodwin College.

        Film Series                                                     
        Glynis McKenzie reported that the four films have been decided as follows:
  • The Rumba (Belgium film)
  • Katyn (Polish film)
  • The TVs Coming (Tunisian film)
  • Uniform (Chinese Film)
They will be shown at 6:30 p.m. at the EHCCC.

        Dan Russell reported he went to the new gallery in town.

        Glynis McKenzie reported she attended the mosaic demonstration sponsored by the Art League.   She also attended an exhibit at Hartford Fine Arts and Framing.  Glynis further reported that Real Art Ways will be       having a trip to the Brooklyn Museum on December 3.

        Maureen Rodgers reported that art teacher, Christine Boudreau of EHHS, will be holding an Empty Bowl event at Vinny’s on Silver Lane in East Hartford.  It will be held on November 20 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00    p.m. Donations are $10.00 - $25.00.
        Children’s Programs                                     No report at this time.

        Dance                                                           No report at this time.

        Karen Howe reported that the EHSYF will be sponsoring a Christmas Kareoke/Pizza Party during Holiday Fest.

        Karen further reported that the EHSYF staff is working with EHHS staff to produce “Bye, Bye, Birdie” which will be performed the last weekend in March 2010.  Rehearsals begin in January.

        Terrye Blackstone stated there is much wall space at Goodwin College and she still needs to contact     President Mark Scheinberg to discuss having paintings hung there.  Chair Yamamoto will review the “Day in the Life” account for available funding for this project.

                Web Site discussion and decision
        Terrye Blackstone stated the Art League received the funding out of last years budget.  Written information was given to Chair Yamamoto.  Discussion was held and it was understood that the Art League would   produce their own website and be financially responsible for hosting, maintenance and upkeep.  It was further discussed that the Fine Arts Commission would eventually have a link from the Art League website to a FAC website.  Because of the cost of updating ($40 per hour) the FAC decided to discuss developing a Fine Arts Commission website at the January 2010 meeting.

MOTION          By Sue Tukey    
                        Seconded by Betty Russell
                        To have an agenda item on developing a website in January 2010 to promote and advertise the various programs the Commission sponsors.

                -      Nominations for Slate of Officers
        The committee consisted of:  Betty Russell, Terrye Blackstone and Judy Okeson.  Betty Russell thanked the committee for their assistance.
        The following members were placed in nomination as the Slate of Officers:
                Chair           Karen Howe
                Vice Chair      Florence Schroeter
                Secretary       Glynis McKenzie
                Historian       Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien

        A vote will be cast for those nominations at the December meeting.

  • Meeting dates 2010
       Discussion was held in reference to the September (Rosh Hashanah) and November (Veteran’s Day).  The issue with the November meeting is having a place to hold the meeting because it is a town holiday.  A     meeting place will be decided and will be clocked in with the Town Clerk in October 2010.
X.      Approval of Bills                       
        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee for November 2009)                   $  80.00
        CitySingers (Music)                                                     $800.00
        Glynis McKenzie (Film Series)                                   $  22.66
        Buffa (Holiday Fest)                                            $400.00
        First Run Features (Uniform – Film Series)                      $300.00
        Koch Lorber Films (Rumba – Film Series)                 $250.00
        Koch Lorber Films (Katyn – Film Series)                         $250.00
        Music Maestros (Projectionist)                                  $250.00 

MOTION  By Karen Howe
                Seconded  Sue Tukey
                To approve payment of the bills as submitted.

        Glynis McKenzie reminded the Commissioners to bring in an item for the Holiday Basket for the Park and Recreation Department.

        Terrye Blackstone requested that we have a holiday gathering at the December 10, 2009 meeting.  Each Commissioner can bring in a finger food.

        Terrye Blackstone stated that there are 5 Welling drawings at Town Hall.

        Maureen Rodgers was selling raffle tickets for Breast Cancer Research for William Raveis Real Estate in case anyone was interested.

        Betty Russell reported that discussion was held on the By-laws prior to recommending a slate of officers.  The By-laws state the number of years a member can serve as an officer.  Betty will review the ordinance     that the By-laws refer to.  Chair Yamamoto stated that other Commissions do not have stated tenure of officers.

MOTION  By Sue Tukey
                Seconded  Betty Russell
                To adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m.